***Please go down and pause the playlist!***
I was uploading photos and video to photobucket today and I found this video. Hadley was in Kindergarten. I had almost forgotten how sweet and 'little' she sounded/was then. This video made me all warm and fuzzy inside but very, very sad as well. I need to remember the good times to get through...but it is also hard to remember the happy times...it reminds me how bad she is doing now. =(
OMGosh what a riot!
how funny! and oh so cute!
OMG! I wish you could've heard how loud I laughed when Hadley started "digging!" Oh to be a carefree kid again. Thank you so much for sharing moments like these. What a special girl!
What a great video....That laugh is amazing....my favorite part was definitely the nose picking...I actually just came across a couple videos from our class the other day too....I had a good laugh filled with tears...let me know if you would like me to send them to you.
Oh man! I love this! You have amazing children, Ang! You are a lucky lady! I love you guys!!
eeee!! I think I found the love bug!
That video is priceless and the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time. You and your family are in our prayers.
HAHAHA I totally loved the picking of the nose ! I know I'm weird.
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